For this purpose, the stiffness of the acoustic hanger and the impedance of the elastic material play a key role. The installation of a suspended ceiling with acoustic hangers is another part of the solution that must be done correctly to achieve the optimum acoustic insulation results. Professional acoustic installers will always take care when making a correct perimetric sealing. A correct perimetric sealing avoids acoustic bridges that may lead to transmitting noise through flanking walls. Even if this may seem evident, AMC-MECANOCAUCHO wants to provide some guidelines on how the installer can achieve the best from the acoustic hangers.
Since the walls may be installed in many cases with elastic wall ties. We will also show the method of sealing the perimeter on this type of construction.
Case A: Rigidly mounted walls.
On this type of ceiling the plasterboard plates touch the elastomeric seal. The elastomeric seal must be soft and assure stability over the time.
Fig 1: Side view of the assembly
Fig 2. 3 D view of the assembly
Case B: Elastically mounted walls with wall ties.
In this case the aim is to avoid rigid contact between the plasterboards by using an elastomeric seal.
Fig. 3. 2D view of the assembly.
Fig 4. 3D view of the assembly
Acoustic wall ties are often used for the correct acoustic isolation premises. The use of these devices optimizes the acoustic insulation of the suspended ceiling. For this purpose, the stiffness of the acoustic hanger and the impedance of the elastic material play a key role. The installation of a suspended ceiling with acoustic hangers is another part of the solution that must be done correctly to achieve the optimum acoustic insulation results.

The EP 500 +Sylomer mounts have to be correctly loaded in order to achieve the best performance. This means that the load per mount should be at approximately 60 to 80% of the static limit.
The static limit of the EP500+Sylomer is at 60kg, hence the range for the optimal load between approx. 36 to 48kg per mount.
The number of mounts per linear meter of the dry wall should therefore be such that the loading rate stated above is achieved.
EP+Sylomer® wall ties.

The installation of vertical wall beams using the EP + Sylomer® provides reliable and robust acoustic isolation. These EP+Sylomer® wall ties are manufactured in various formats to suit a variety of construction techniques.
FIG A: Installation between the wall and the vertical metallic beam using EP 400+Sylomer® wall ties. First, secure the tie to the wall using fixing studs. Next, join the pre-drilled metallic section of the EP 400 +Sylomer® to the vertical beam. Then fix the plasterboard layer(s) to the beam. |
FIG B: Installation between pairs of vertical beams using EP 400+Sylomer® Installation is as described above except use self-tapping screws to fix the wall-tie to one beam. |
FIG C, Example:

This system is suitable for walls greater than 3.5m in height. To calculate the required number of EP+Sylomer® wall ties, the following guidelines apply:
- Use one EP+Sylomer® wall-tie per 1.5m vertical height.
For example:
- For a wall height of 4.5m, 2 wall-ties should be used; at 1.5m and 3m.
- For a wall height of 7.5m, 4 wall-ties should be used at: at 1.5m, 3m, 4.5m and 6m.

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