According to the results obtained from different acoustic tests carried out at an external laboratory, the Akustik + Sylomer®Floor Mounts offer a high reduction of impact noise (up to 30 dB):
Airborne Noise test results
Akustik Floor Mount 25 + Rigidur 20 mm + Rigidur HBR 13 mm
71 dB
Akustik Floor Mount 25 + OSB Board 22 mm
67 dB
Akustik Floor Mount 30 + OSB Board 22 mm
66 dB
Impact Noise test results
Akustik Floor Mount 25 + Rigidur 20 mm + Rigidur HBR 13 mm
40 dB
Akustik Floor Mount 25 + Tablero OSB 22 mm
47 dB
Akustik Floor Mount 30 + Tablero OSB 22 mm
50 dB
The new results obtained during the tests carried out by an external laboratory show the multiple advantages of using the EP + Sylomer® wall ties and wall mounts, compared with a conventional masonry wall.
In the new airborne tests carried out by an external laboratory (Itecons - Institute for Research and Technological Development for Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability) the results have been compared between a conventional masonry wall and a wall installed with AMC-MECANOCAUCHO®
EP + Sylomer® Acoustic Wall Ties and Wall mounts.
The test is performed in a controlled laboratory, in accordance with the ISO 10140-2:2010 standard, by the following procedure:
Measurement of the sound pressure level in the source room.
Simultaneous sound pressure level measurement in the receiving room.
Measurement of the background noise in the receiving room.
For each test the following test specimen has been used, this is composed of a masonry brick wall (bricks with individual dimensions of 300 mm x 200 mm x 150 mm) plastered on both sides (thickness of approximately 15 mm, each side). An acoustical lining on the inner face is constructed with the following elements:
EP 700 + Sylomer® Wall ties, fixed with bushings and screws to the basic element (air space of approximately 100 mm).
Metal structure filled with low density mineral wool (nominal thickness of 50 mm) formed by aluminum profiles with thickness of 48 mm and fixed to the EP700 + Sylomer® supports with screws.
EP 500 + Sylomer® wall mounts
under the metal structure.
One layer of plasterboard with nominal thickness of 12,5 mm and nominal surface mass of 8,0 kg/m² fixed with screws to the metal structure.
One layer of elastic polymer and minerals with double anti-cracking layer by traction with nominal thickness of 3 mm (ref. “dBimpact Ceracoustic 3.0”).
One layer of plasterboard with nominal thickness of 15 mm and nominal surface mass of 10,9 kg/m².
The joints of the plasterboard layers are covered with plaster filler and the layers of plasterboard are peripherally detached from the test rim with acoustic band.
Construction details.
Installation of the EP + Sylomer® mounts on the wall.
You can also find more information regarding the installation of our EP + Sylomer® wall ties and wall mounts in the following link of our website:
According to the tests results obtained, the wall installed with the EP+Sylomer® Wall Ties and Wall Mounts increases the airborne noise reduction to up to 35dB, compared with the standard masonry wall.
Airborne Noise test results
Wall with EP + Sylomer® mounts
69 dB
A newly built or renovated building must comply with acoustic requirements depending on the country they are built in or the acoustic demands they must fulfil. These are put in place to give an improved living quality of their owners and prevents them being disturbed by problematic noisy neighbours.
Depending on the country, the quantity of wooden structure buildings may be important, especially those ones placed in the historic side of the city. They usually are light buildings that have limitations regarding the amount of load their structure can withstand, so the acoustic isolation solution cannot incorporate heavy concrete based solutions as floating floors. In these cases we have to give priority to dry construction solutions.
Achieving good noise insulation values with light structures is often a challenge. The transmission of noise through a rigid structures (structure borne noise) in these type of buildings plays a major role. In order to find easy constructive methods with the lowest cost-factor, AMC Mecanocaucho® has been working together with acoustic labs in order to obtain test results that can meet the acoustic demands of the most demanding countries.
This article shows the tests results for floating floor and hanging ceiling installations for light wooden structures, compared to a solution without isolation elements. Tests have been carried out using different solutions, either on the floor suspension, on the ceiling or combining both systems.
The Akustik + Sylomer® floor mounts are anti vibration mounts that have been designed for the installation of wooden floors with a batten system. Their easy installation and low space requirement allows exceptional vibration and noise isolation as part of a floating floor application.
These mounts are typically installed every 0.5 meters. But this feature may be tuned in order to adapt to the load or natural frequency requirement of the application. The natural frequency at their optimal loading point reaches values below 12 Hz. These technical properties provide a high level of noise and vibration isolation when used in light wooden structures.
The Akustik Super + Sylomer® T-60 acoustic hangers have been designed to suit a standard furring channel profile. The are a specially designed profile which allows the metal channel to simply be pushed in to place, this provides a quick and easy installation. Once secured with screws this system gives exceptional vibration and noise isolation as part of an acoustic ceiling installation.
The Akustik + Sylomer® hangers are manufactured in four special mixes of Sylomer® to adapt better to the load of each application. The natural frequency at their optimal loading point can reach values below 7 Hz. These technical properties also provide a high level of noise and vibration isolation when used in light wooden structures.
In order to show the acoustic advantages when using Akustik+Sylomer® Floor mounts and Akustik + Sylomer® Super T60 acoustic hangers in a light wood construction, an independent external technological center has performed impact and airborne noise tests using different configurations in light wooden structures.
Based on the obtained test results,an airborne noise reduction up to 26dB and impact noise reduction up to 32dB can be obtained, compared to the reference configuration, without any Akustik + Sylomer® mount and any Akustik hanger.
The tested configurations are shown below:
Impact noise results - calculated according to
ISO 717-2: 2013
Airbone noise results - calculated according to
ISO 717-1: 2013
Do not hesitate to contact our application engineers for more information on this product.
In many buildings we can observe rigidly suspended ceiling solutions, this solution is however a pathway for the transmission of structural noise. An elastic solution can significantly reduce noise transmission, to demonstrate this AMC Mecanocaucho® has been working together with acoustic laboratories to obtain test results showing the effectiveness of elastic solutions versus rigid solutions.
This article compares the results of the tests of a suspended ceiling using a rigid solution versus an elastic solution in two configurations with the same construction conditions for light wooden structures.
To begin with a suspended ceiling with rigid Nonius fixings was tested and then the same suspended ceiling was tested with the Akustik 1 + Sylomer® support with the Nonius fixation, also called Akustik 1 Nonius + Sylomer®.
Akustik 1 Nonius + Sylomer® acoustic hangers have been conceived for the suspension of acoustic false ceilings, vibrating pipes and machinery that must be suspended. The outstanding properties of Sylomer® microcellular polyurethane achieve excellent insulation values compared to other substrates that use rubber or cork or a combination of both.
These anti vibration mounts are manufactured in three special Sylomer® mixtures to better adapt to the load of each application. A wide variety of fixing elements facilitate their installation and are better adapted to each type of work. Their robust metal parts resist tensile loads of 650 to 1000 Kg and are supplied with an anticorrosive treatment capable of withstanding the most demanding environments.
The natural frequency at its optimal load point can reach values below 8 Hz. These technical properties also provide a high level of noise and vibration isolation when used in lightweight wooden structures.
To demonstrate the benefits of acoustic insulation in light wooden structures by using elastic acoustic hangers, an independent external laboratory has carried out different tests for airborne noise and impact noise, using two constructive configurations in light wooden structures.
Analysing the results over the entire frequency range (50-5000Hz), it can be observed that a reduction of impact noise of 4 to 5dB (Ln, w) is obtained with the elastic solution. An airborne noise reduction of 3 to 4dB (Rw) is achieved, always comparing both constructive configurations.
If we focus on the low frequencies (50-100Hz), an impact noise reduction of 1 to 6dB is obtained with the elastic solution, while for airborne noise the reduction obtained is 2 to 6dB. As in the previous case, always comparing both constructive configurations.
Taking into account that the elastic solution has been tested with a 400mm air gap, while the rigid solution has been tested with a 430mm air gap, we can conclude that the elastic solution has been tested under worse acoustic conditions. Even so, the values obtained are better with the elastic solution.
The configurations tested can be seen below:
Do not hesitate to contact our technical department. They can help you to make vibration calculations using this new anti vibration mount.
Dowel-Laminated Timber (DLT) structures are similar to Nail-Laminated Timber (NLT) structures but without the need for nails or metal fasteners. Dowel-Laminated panels are an all-wood structure and can be easily processed using CNC machinery, allowing on site modifications.
Different tests have been carried out using different solutions for the floating floor from a naked structure to an installation with several cement board layers with our floating mounts.
The Akustik + Sylomer® Floor mounts are anti vibration mounts that have been designed for the installation of wooden floors with a batten system. Their easy installation and low space requirement allows exceptional vibration and noise isolation as part of a floating floor application.
These mounts are typically installed every 0.5 meters. But this feature may be tuned in order to adapt to the load or natural frequency requirement of the application. The natural frequency at their optimal loading point reaches values below 12 Hz. These technical properties provide a high level of noise and vibration isolation when used in light wooden structures.
In order to show the acoustic advantages when using Akustik+Sylomer® Floor mounts in a Dowel-Laminated Timber structure, an independent external technological centre has performed impact noise tests using different building configurations.
Based on the obtained test results, an impact noise reduction up to 26dB can be obtained, compared to the reference configuration, without any Akustik+Sylomer® Floor mount
The tested configurations are shown below as well as different comparisons between different configuration systems:
System A1
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
System A2
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
- 50mm wooden battens
- Akustik + Sylomer® floor mount 25
- 8 mm OSB
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
System A3
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
- 50mm wooden battens
- Akustik + Sylomer® floor mount 25
- 89mm Rockwool insulation
- 8 mm OSB
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
System A4
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
- 50mm wooden battens
- Akustik + Sylomer® floor mount 25
- 89mm Rockwool insulation
- 1 layer cement board
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
System A5
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
- 50mm wooden battens
- Akustik + Sylomer® floor mount 25
- 89mm Rockwool insulation
- 2 layer cement board
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
System A6
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
- 50mm wooden battens
- Akustik + Sylomer® floor mount 25
- 89mm Rockwool insulation
- 3 layer cement board
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
System A7
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
- 50mm wooden battens
- Akustik + Sylomer® floor mount 25
- 89mm Rockwool insulation
- 2 layer cement board
- 11mm laminated floor
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
System A8
Scheme |
Impact noise results - calculated according to Standard
ASTM E1007
Description |
- DLT floor 151 mm (140 mm DLT +11 mm OSB)
- 50mm wooden battens
- Akustik + Sylomer® floor mount 25
- 89mm Rockwool insulation
- 38 mm, normal strength concrete topping
Go to the Impact Noise Results Report (PDF) |
This article shows the tests results for floating floor installations when used in Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) structures, comparing them to the results of the bare CLT structure.
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) structures are made of layers of timber boards that are glued to each other. The boards of each layer are oriented perpendicular to adjacent layers so similar structural properties can be obtained in both directions.
In general, timber structures are harder to acoustically isolate due to their lower mass compared to concrete structures. Due to this, the proper selection of acoustic insulation products becomes more critical.
Different tests have been carried out using different solutions for the floating floor from a bare CLT structure to an installation with several fibreboard layers with our floating mounts.
The Akustik + Sylomer® Floor mounts are anti vibration mounts that have been designed for the installation of wooden floors with a batten system. Their easy installation and low space requirement allow exceptional vibration and noise isolation as part of a floating floor application.
These mounts are typically installed every 0,5 meters. But this feature may be tuned to adapt to the load or natural frequency requirement of the application. The natural frequency at their optimal loading point reaches values below 12 Hz. These technical properties provide a high level of noise and vibration isolation when used in light wooden structures.
Main Characteristics
The floor plan of the test area and the arrangement of the "Akustik+Sylomer® 25 Floor Mount" mounting elements on the CLT raw ceiling is shown in figure below:
Measurement conditions
Test area: 13,4m2
Mass per unit area: 115Kg/m2
Air temperature in test room 1/2: 20 / 19 °C
Rel. humidity in test room 1/2: 30 / 31 %
Static pressure in test room 1: 1006 hPa
Static pressure in test room 2: 1005 hPa
Floor surface temperature: 20°C
Volume of test room 1/2: 52/56 m3
In order to show the acoustic advantages when using Akustik+Sylomer® Floor mounts in a Cross-Laminated Timber structure, impact noise and airborne noise tests are carried out with different configurations:
Bare CLT
- 1. CLT 140 5s by Stora Enso
Floating Floor Variant 1
- 1. Gypsum fibreboard screed, Rigidur 25
- 2. OSB Board 22mm
- 3. Wooden battens 50x60mm
- 4. Insulation, Mineral Wool
- 5. Akustik+Sylomer® Floor Mount 25
- 6. CLT 140 5s by Stora Enso
Floating Floor Variant 2
- 1. Gypsum fibreboard screed, Rigidur 12,5
- 2. Gypsum fibreboard screed, Rigidur 25
- 3. OSB Board 22mm
- 4. Wooden battens 50x60mm
- 5. Insulation, Mineral Wool
- 6. Akustik+Sylomer® Floor Mount 25
- 7. CLT 140 5s by Stora Enso
This way, the acoustic performance of a floating floor suspended on Akustik + Sylomer® Floor Mounts can be compared to a bare CLT structure without floating floor.
The results of the acoustic tests with each configuration are shown below:
- 1. CLT 140 5s by Stora Enso
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3: 2021 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2: 2021 |
Ln,w: 90 dB |
IIC 20 |
Rw: 37 dB |
STC 37 |
- 1. Gypsum fibreboard screed, Rigidur 25
- 2. OSB Board 22mm
- 3. Wooden battens 50x60mm
- 4. Insulation, Mineral Wool
- 5. Akustik+Sylomer® Floor Mount 25
- 6. CLT 140 5s by Stora Enso
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3: 2021 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2: 2021 |
Ln,w: 49 dB |
IIC 61 |
Rw: 63 dB |
STC 64 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF) |
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Estimated natural frequency: 16,5Hz |
- 1. Gypsum fibreboard screed, Rigidur 12,5
- 2. Gypsum fibreboard screed, Rigidur 25
- 3. OSB Board 22mm
- 4. Wooden battens 50x60mm
- 5. Insulation, Mineral Wool
- 6. Akustik+Sylomer® Floor Mount 25
- 7. CLT 140 5s by Stora Enso
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3: 2021 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2: 2021 |
Ln,w: 46 dB |
IIC 64 |
Rw: 64 dB |
STC 64 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF) |
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Estimated natural frequency: 14,2Hz |
These results clearly show how the noise insulation can be improved in CLT structures by using floating floors suspended on Akustik + Sylomer® Floor Mounts.
The use of Akustik + Sylomer® Floor Mounts allows an improvement in impact noise level between 41dB and 44dB, while the improvement in airborne noise is 26dB to 27dB, depending on the tested floor variant.
The difference is particularly noticeable at high frequencies, in which a difference up to 55dB in impact noise and up to 39dB in airborne noise can be seen.
These results show how effectively a CLT structure can be acoustically isolated by implementing a floating floor suspended on Akustik + Sylomer® Floor mounts.
Do not hesitate to contact our application engineers for more information on this product.
The majority of buildings use concrete structures as the base material for the construction of different works. It is a low-priced material compared to steel, with a resistance similar to or greater than that of brick, which offers the possibility of building elements of almost any shape.
For this study, a range of tests have been carried out using different solutions for floating floor and the suspended ceiling installations with different types of supports.
The tests were carried out by the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada.
Akustik + Sylomer® floor mounts are anti vibration mounts that have been designed for the installation of wooden floors which use a slat system. Its easy installation and low space requirement allows for exceptional vibration and noise isolation as part of a floating floor application.
These supports are normally installed every 0.5 meters, however this distance can be adjusted to suit the load or natural frequency requirement of the application. The natural frequency at its optimum load point reaches values below 12 Hz. These properties provide a high level of noise and vibration insulation when used in light wooden structures.
The SRS + Sylomer® are acoustic hangers that have been designed for the suspension of false acoustic ceilings and also machinery that must be suspended. The excellent properties of Sylomer, combined with the low stiffness of the springs, give this product superior anti vibration characteristics when compared with other traditional elements.
Support spacing and spring stiffness can be adjusted to suit the load or natural frequency requirement of the application. The natural frequency at its optimal load point reaches values below 5 Hz. These properties provide a high level of noise and vibration isolation.
In order to show the acoustic advantages of using the aforementioned supports in a concrete structure, impact noise and airborne noise tests are carried out with different configurations:
- 155mm thick concrete slab.
Configuration C1
Configuration C2
Configuration F1
Configuration C1+F1
Configuration C2+F1
The acoustic performance of different solutions can be compared.
The results of the acoustic tests with each configuration are shown below:
Reference concrete slab
Impact noise results – calculated according to Test ASTM E492 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to Test ASTM E90 |
Link for complete report (PDF)
Akustik + Sylomer Sound Clip.
Impact noise results – calculated according to Test ASTM E492 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to Test ASTM E90 |
Link for complete report (PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 22,8Hz
SRS 25 + Sylomer
Impact noise results – calculated according to Test ASTM E492 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to Test ASTM E90 |
Link for complete report (PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 4,0Hz
Akustik + Sylomer Floor Mount 25
Impact noise results – calculated according to Test ASTM E492 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to Test ASTM E90 |
Link for complete report (PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 13,2Hz
Akustik + Sylomer Floor Mount 25 + SRS 25 + Sylomer
Impact noise results – calculated according to Test ASTM E492 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to Test ASTM E90 |
Link for complete report (PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 4,0//13,2Hz
Impact noise results – calculated according to Test ASTM E492
Airborne noise results - calculated according to Test ASTM E90
Configuration C1
Configuration C2
Configuration F1
Configuration C1+F1
Configuration C2+F1
Natural Frequency [Hz] |
22,8 |
4,0 |
13,2 |
22,8 // 13,2 |
4,0 // 13,2 |
68 |
75 |
68 |
76 |
87 |
46 |
59 |
69 |
69 |
87 |
Rw |
68 |
75 |
68 |
76 |
87 |
Lnw |
64 |
51 |
41 |
41 |
23 |
These results clearly show how acoustic insulation can be improved in concrete structures by using floating floors and suspended ceilings using Akustik + Sylomer® supports.
The use of supports on both sides of the slab allows higher insulation values to be obtained. The solution using SRS + Sylomer supports allows lower natural frequencies to be obtained, this in turn results in a higher isolation level, particularly at low frequencies. The results can be seen for the C2 and C2+F1 configurations.
Feel free to contact our application engineers for more information on these products.
Every day gyms are becoming more popular and the activities in them more extreme. Due to the boom in this type of activity and the business behind it, gyms have moved closer to urban centres.
The proximity of a quality sports facility has innumerable benefits but brings with it a difficult coexistence with the neighbours who are in the same building. Activities such as dumbbell throwing, weight dropping, jumping, etc. generate annoying inconvenience to the neighbours.
This problem is aggravated when this sport activity takes place at night and makes difficult the rest of the neighbours. On many occasions, municipal regulations force the closure of gyms for exceeding the maximum admissible noise limits, resulting in the end of the gym activity and loss of investment.
The correct design of an acoustic solution with a floating floor such as the Sylomer Gym Dry Floor systems can put an end to these disturbances, allowing the coexistence of the neighbour’s rest and the activity of the gym.
This system is based on 50 mm Sylomer AFB Floor block installed approximately every 500 mm with metal profiles. Next, 12 mm thick Sylomer SR28 strips, glued to the top of the profiles, and the mineral wool installed in the space between the profiles. The dry floor is made of double 18 mm OSB type 3 board with an interlayer of agglomerated neoprene. A Getzner floor mat 29 final elastic layer is finished with a rubber sports floor on top.
This previous Base system is improved with an additional OSB type 3 board and additional interlayer of agglomerate neoprene. Moreover, the finishing elastic layer is improved with more elastic Getzner floor mat 33 and an extra damping layer with 12,5 mm shock absorb.
The best result is obtained when in the Advance system is replace the finishing elastic layer with the high performance Getzner floor mat 35, besides 25 mm shock absorb is added. The higher damping coefficient helps to dissipated part of the impact energy.
In order to show the acoustic advantages when using Sylomer Gym Dry Floor systems, impact noise tests are carried out with different configurations. In addition to this noise tests have been conducted to show the performance of each alternative in the most extreme gym activity. Different weight dumbbells have been thrown from different heights causing different energy impacts in the dry floating floor, at the same time the noise is measured in the lower chamber.
Together to the standard impact noise, additional measurements have been carried out throwing some dumbbells from different heights. In this way we are simulating the extreme activity in a gymnasium.
Noise level
Tests carried out in Audiotec.
These results clearly show how the Sylomer Gym Dry Floor can improve noise transmission for gym activity. Impact noise is significantly improved by more than 50 dBs with any of the alternatives.
But what is particularly interesting is the reduction in the maximum noise level achieved in the lower chamber when the dumbbells are thrown. The use of a usual rubber sport floor only achieves a reduction of 10 dBs while Sylomer Gym Dry floor systems achieve reductions of around 50 dBs.
Another point to take into account is the high noise level obtained during dumbbell throwing, the use of a usual rubber sport floor means a noise level around 80 dBs, this level of noise can be very uncomfortable. With Sylomer Gym Dry systems we have managed to reduce the noise level by more than half.
These type of floating floors are absolutely a must for the agreement on the activity of a gymnasium in a building with neighbours.
Acoustic testing of impact sound insulation
Acoustic tests of airborne sound insulation
Dumbbell thrown test Audiotec
Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) structures are made of layers of timber boards that are glued to each other. The boards of each layer are oriented perpendicular to adjacent layers so similar structural properties can be obtained in both directions.
In general, timber structures are harder to acoustically isolate due to their lower mass compared to concrete structures. Due to this, the proper selection of acoustic insulation products becomes more critical.
suspended ceilings for CLT structures.
The EP 700 + Sylomer® mounts are anti vibration mounts that have been designed for the hanging of suspended ceilings and walls. They have a direct fixing system, which allows a simple and quick installation without the use of rods. They are particularly suitable for wooden ceilings, usually being fixed by two screws.
These mounts are typically installed every 0.5-1 meters. But this feature may be tuned to adapt to the load or natural frequency requirement of the application. The natural frequency at their optimal loading point reaches values below 10 Hz. These technical properties provide a high level of noise and vibration isolation when used in light wooden structures.
Main Characteristics
The test area consists of a 5mx4m (20m²) of Best Wood CLT. The EP 700 + Sylomer hangers are distributed along all the surface of the ceiling and hang 2 layers of 12.5mm of plasterboard with a plenum of 100mm for all configurations.
Measurement conditions
- Test area: 20m2
- Mass per hanger: 8.6kg/hanger
- Rel. humidity in test rooms: 51 - 54 %
- Static pressure in test room 2: 950 - 956 kPa
- Air temperature: 17.5 - 20°C
- Volume of source room: 52/m3
- Volume of destination room: 59/m3
Main Characteristics
In order to show the acoustic advantages when using EP 700 + Sylomer acoustic hangers in a Cross-Laminated Timber structure, impact noise and airborne noise tests are carried out with different configurations:
Scheme |
Description |
Suspended ceiling variant 1 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 60mm PE film with Brumma elastic bound.
- 4. 20mm MULTHITERM.
- 5. Best Wood CLT 260mm with a filling of 40kg/m2 FLOOR 220.
- 6. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 7. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Suspended ceiling variant 2 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 60mm PE film with Brumma elastic bound.
- 4. 20mm MULTHITERM.
- 5. Best Wood CLT 260mm with a filling of 40kg/m2. 1x plasterboard, remainder bulk.
- 6. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 7. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Suspended ceiling variant 3 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 60mm PE film with Brumma elastic bound.
- 4. 20mm MULTHITERM.
- 5. Best Wood CLT 260mm with empty compartment.
- 6. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 7. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Suspended ceiling variant 4 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm with bulk of FLOOR220
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Suspended ceiling variant 5 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm (40kg/m2) 1x plasterboard, remainder bulk.
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Suspended ceiling variant 6 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm with empty compartment.
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Suspended ceiling variant 7 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm (80kg/m2) 1x plasterboard, remainder bulk.
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Suspended ceiling variant 8 |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 30mm Best Wood bulk
- 4. Best Wood CLT 260mm with empty compartment.
- 5. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 6. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
This way, the acoustic performance of different configurations by using the EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers can be seen.
The results of the acoustic tests with each configuration are shown below:
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 60mm PE film with Brumma elastic bound.
- 4. 20mm MULTHITERM.
- 5. Best Wood CLT 260mm with a filling of 40kg/m2 FLOOR 220.
- 6. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 7. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 36 dB |
IIC 74 |
Rw: 84,6 dB |
STC 84 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 39 dB
IIC 71
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 60mm PE film with Brumma elastic bound.
- 4. 20mm MULTHITERM.
- 5. Best Wood CLT 260mm with a filling of 40kg/m2. 1x plasterboard, remainder bulk.
- 6. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 7. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 35,8 dB |
IIC 74 |
Rw: 85,8 dB |
STC 85 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 40 dB
IIC 70
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 60mm PE film with Brumma elastic bound.
- 4. 20mm MULTHITERM.
- 5. Best Wood CLT 260mm with empty compartment.
- 6. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 7. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 37,7 dB |
IIC 72 |
Rw: 82,9 dB |
STC 82 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 43 dB
IIC 67
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm with bulk of FLOOR220
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 43,8 dB |
IIC 66 |
Rw: 75,8 dB |
STC 75 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 44 dB
IIC 66
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm (40kg/m2) 1x plasterboard, remainder bulk.
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 46,9 dB |
IIC 63 |
Rw: 73,1 dB |
STC 73 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 50 dB
IIC 60
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm with empty compartment.
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 40,2 dB |
IIC 70 |
Rw: 78,9 dB |
STC 78 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 47 dB
IIC 63
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. Best Wood CLT 260mm (80kg/m2) 1x plasterboard, remainder bulk.
- 4. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 5. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 38,9 dB |
IIC 61 |
Rw: 78,1 dB |
STC 78 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 43 dB
IIC 67
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
- 1. 55mm wet screed.
- 2. ISOVER EP1 layer 40mm.
- 3. 30mm Best Wood bulk
- 4. Best Wood CLT 260mm with empty compartment.
- 5. Suspended ceiling (100mm air gap) with AMC EP 700 + Sylomer® acoustic hangers (36 pieces) in all the surface. No cavity damping.
- 6. 2 sheets of 12,5mm plasterboard.
Impact noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Airborne noise results - calculated according to ISO 10140-2 |
Ln,w: 42,2 dB |
IIC 68 |
Rw: 80,8 dB |
STC 80 |
Go to the Impact Noise Report(PDF)
Go to the Airborne Noise Report(PDF) |
Maximum impact noise level results (rubber ball) - calculated according to ISO 10140-3 |
Li,Fmax: 48 dB
IIC 62
Test Report(PDF)
Estimated natural frequency: 11,8Hz |
These results clearly show how the noise insulation can be improved in CLT structures by using various configurations using EP 700 + Sylomer acoustic hangers.
Do not hesitate to contact our application engineers for more information on this product.
This article shows the results of tests for dry floating floor installations designed for gyms. Following on from the tests already carried out with the GYM Dry Floor systems based on 50 mm Sylomer blocks, the same tests have been carried out by replacing the Sylomer block with AFS springs which have a greater elastic travel.
Gyms are becoming more and more popular and the activities in them more and more extreme. Due to the boom in this type of activity and the business behind it, gyms have moved closer to urban centers.
The proximity of a quality sports facility has innumerable benefits, but it brings with it a difficult coexistence with neighbors in the same building. Activities such as dumbbell throwing, weight dropping, jumping, etc. create a disturbance for the neighbors.
This problem is aggravated when this sporting activity takes place at night, making it difficult for neighbors to rest. On many occasions, municipal regulations force the closure of gyms for exceeding the maximum permissible noise limits, with the consequent suspension of the gym's activity and loss of investment.
The correct design of an acoustic solution with a floating floor such as the AFS Sylomer Gym Dry Floor systems can put an end to these disturbances, allowing the neighbor’s rest and the gym's activity to coexist.
This system is based on an AFS + Sylomer spring of more than 15 mm maximum deflection installed approximately every 500 mm with metal profiles, on top additional Sylomer strips are installed. The dry floor is made of 18 mm OSB type 3 double board with an intermediate layer of neoprene. A final elastic layer of Getzner Floor Mat 29 is finished with a rubber sports floor on top.
- 1. Structural slab (140mm)
- 2. Perimeter elastic seal
- 3. Mineral wool (48mm)
- 4. Plenum
- 5. AFS 50 + Sylomer spring (95mm)
- 6. Aquapanel 70 metall ic profile
- 7. Sylomer® SR28 (12mm)
- 8. OSB Type 3 (18 mm) chipboard (18mm)
- 9. Tabiabsorber 5 (5mm)
- 10. OSB Type 3 (18mm) chipboard
- 11. Getzner Mat 29 (11mm)
- 12. Rubber sport floor(15 mm)
The previous base system is upgraded with an additional OSB type 3 chipboard and an additional neoprene middle layer. Furthermore, the elastic top layer is improved with the more elastic Getzner 33 board and an additional 12.5 mm shock-absorbing buffer layer.
- 1. Structural slab (140mm)
- 2. Perimeter elastic seal
- 3. Mineral wool (48mm)
- 4. Plenum
- 5. AFS 50 + Sylomer spring (95mm)
- 6. Aquapanel 70 metall ic profile
- 7. Sylomer® SR28 (12mm)
- 8. OSB Type 3 (18mm) chipboard
- 9. Tabiabsorber 5 (5mm)
- 10. OSB Board Type 3 (18mm) chipboard
- 11. Tabiabsorber 5 (5mm)
- 12. OSB Board Type 3 (18mm) chipboard
- 13. Getzner Mat 33 (16mm)
- 14. Damped shock absorber (12.5mm)
- 15. Rubber sport floor (15mm)
The best result is achieved when the Advance system replaces the elastic top layer with the high-performance Getzner 35 mat and adds a 25 mm shock absorber. The higher damping coefficient helps to dissipate some of the impact energy.
- 1. Structural slab (140mm)
- 2. Perimeter elastic seal
- 3. Mineral wool (48mm)
- 4. Plenum
- 5. AFS 50 + Sylomer spring (95mm)
- 6. Aquapanel 70 metall ic profile
- 7. Sylomer® SR28 (12mm)
- 8. OSB Board Type 3 (18mm) chipboard
- 9. Tabiabsorber 5 (5mm)
- 10. OSB Board Type 3 (18mm) chipboard
- 11. Tabiabsorber 5
- 12. OSB Board Type 3 (18mm) chipboard
- 13. Getzner Mat 35 (11mm)
- 14. Damped shock absorber (25mm)
- 15. Rubber sport floor (15mm)
In order to show the acoustic advantages of using the AFS Sylomer Gym Dry Floor systems, impact noise tests have been carried out with different configurations. In addition to this, noise tests have been carried out to show the performance of each alternative in the most extreme gym activity. Dumbbells of different weights have been dropped from different heights causing different energy impacts on the floating dry floor, at the same time the noise is measured in the chamber below.
To avoid infringement of patent, apply full surface permanent and effective adhesive assuring no movement between panel and profile.
*AMC does not make installations of this systems.
Impact sound measurement - Measurement of impact noise
EN ISO 10140-3 |
Impact noise improvement assessment:
ISO 717-2 |
AFS + Sylomer Gym Dry floor:
AFS + Sylomer Gym Dry floor:
AFS + Sylomer Gym Dry floor:
Test Reports |
In addition to the standard impact noise, additional measurements have been performed by throwing dumbbells from different heights. In this way we are simulating extreme activity in a gymnasium.
These results clearly show how the AFS Sylomer Gym Dry floor can help to reduce noise transmission for gymnasium activities. Impact noise is significantly improved by more than 55 dBs with any of the alternatives.
But what is particularly interesting is the reduction of the maximum noise level that is achieved on the floor below when the dumbbells are thrown. The use of a regular rubber sports floor only achieves a reduction of 10 dBs while AFS Sylomer Gym Dry floor systems achieve reductions of around 50 dBs.
Another point to consider is the high noise level obtained during dumbbell throwing. The use of a normal rubber sports floor results in a noise level of around 80 dBs, which can be very uncomfortable. With the AFS Sylomer Gym Dry Floor systems, we have managed to reduce the noise level by more than half.
This type of floating floor is absolutely essential for the operation of a gymnasium in a residential building.
If we compare the results obtained with the dry systems with AFB Floor Block and AFS springs, we can see that there is an improvement of about 4-5 dBs on average, although in some cases the improvement can be up to 10 dBs.
As a continuous effort to improve acoustic conditions in spaces dedicated to flamenco, new tests have been carried out on a new floor specifically designed to reduce both airborne and impact noise. These trials represent an important step in the search for an optimal acoustic environment for the practice and presentation of this passionate artistic expression.
The challenge of maintaining the authenticity and intensity of flamenco stomping while minimising sound propagation has led to the creation of this innovative acoustic floor. The results of these tests promise to offer not only a more pleasant environment for artists and spectators, but also a significant improvement in noise reduction in the spaces surrounding the activity room.
This system is based on a 50mm Sylomer AFB Floor Block installed approximately every 500mm with metal profiles. A 90mm concrete screed rests on the metal profiles on an 18mm Type 3 OSB board. On this screed we have a flamenco BOARD with mineral wool supported on 25mm thick Sylomer strips. Finally, we have a double 22mm MDF board, a 4mm bituminous sheet, a 30mm MDF board and a 14mm three-layer wood coating.
In order to show the acoustic advantages of using this flamenco board, impact noise tests have been carried out with different configurations. In addition to this, noise tests have been carried out to show performance in the most extreme noise level activity. Two tests of clicking and jumping have been carried out, measuring the noise on the lower floor at the same time.
Along with the standard impact noise, additional measurements have been made when clicking heels or jumping on the flamenco board. In this way we are simulating the extreme activity of flamenco.
These results clearly show how the configuration tested for a flamenco board can improve in reducing noise transmission for flamenco activity. Impact noise is significantly improved by 58 dBs.
The laboratory tests are carried out in a laboratory of Sound Research Laboratories (SRL) at Holbrook House, Sudbury, UK.
Impact and airborne noise tests are performed with different solutions of suspended ceilings (both rigid and elastic).
In general, timber structures are harder to acoustically isolate due to their lower mass compared to concrete structures. Due to this, the proper selection of acoustic insulation products becomes more critical.
Several different configurations have been tested, using 2 different ceiling suspension systems:
- Rigid suspension
- Elastic Akustik + Sylomer® Channel Clip Suspension
All solutions are compact solutions that imply very little loss of living volume.
The configurations teste are detailed below:
- 1. 18mm OSB
- 2. 235x50mm Timber Joists
- 3. 100mm Mineral Wool
- 4. 2x15mm Plasterboards
- 1. 18mm OSB
- 2. 235x50mm Timber Joists
- 3. 100mm Mineral Wool
- 4. AMC Akustik + Sylomer® 15 Channel Clips with MF5 Ceiling Furring Channels
- 5. 2x15mm Plasterboards
Natural frequency: 9,4Hz
- 1. 18mm OSB
- 2. 235x50mm Timber Joists
- 3. 100mm Mineral Wool
- 4. AMC Akustik + Sylomer® 15 Channel Clips with MF5 Ceiling Furring Channels
- 5. 1x15mm Plasterboards
Natural frequency: 11,7Hz
- 1. 18mm OSB
- 2. 235x50mm Timber Joists
- 3. 100mm Mineral Wool
- 4. AMC Akustik + Sylomer® 15 Channel Clips Supported by AMC L Brackets with MF5 Ceiling Furring Channels
- 5. 2x15mm Plasterboards
Natural frequency: 8,0Hz
- 1. 18mm OSB
- 2. 235x50mm Timber Joists
- 3. 100mm Mineral Wool
- 4. AMC Akustik + Sylomer® 15 Channel Clips Supported by AMC L Brackets with MF5 Ceiling Furring Channels
- 5. 1x15mm Plasterboards
Natural frequency: 9,9Hz
This way, the acoustic performance of an acoustic ceiling suspended with different configurations can be compared to each other.
The results of the acoustic tests with each configuration are shown below:
These results clearly show how the noise insulation can be improved in timber ceiling structures by using the Akustik + Sylomer® Channel Clips. A comparison chart of the Ln,w and Rw values of the solutions with 2 plasterboards (to make a fair comparison) are shown below:
The difference between a rigidly suspended ceiling and an elastically suspended one is very clear, reaching improvements between 17dB and 20dB in impact noise level and 19dB in airborne noise reduction.
Rigidly suspended ceilings are unable to meet the noise insulation requirements of England, Wales and Scotland.
The solutions with Akustik + Sylomer® Channel Clips with 2x plasterboards, on the other hand, meet the requirements in all cases.
Do not hesitate to contact our application engineers for more information on this product.
This article details the results of tests on a suspended ceiling and a floating screed with a heating system in a CLT construction. The objective of these tests has been to determine the improvement in acoustic performance.
Cross-laminated timber (CLT) structures are made of layers of wooden boards glued together. The boards in each layer are oriented perpendicular to the adjacent layers, giving the structure similar properties in both directions.
Generally, wooden structures are more difficult to acoustically insulate due to their lower mass compared to concrete structures. For this reason, the appropriate selection of acoustic insulation products becomes more critical.
The Tested Product
Akustik Lateral + Sylomer® acoustic hangers are designed for the suspension of acoustic false ceilings, vibrating pipes, and machines that need to be suspended. The exceptional properties of the microcellular polyurethane Sylomer® achieve excellent insulation values compared to other substrates using rubber or cork or a combination of both.
These anti-vibration mounts are made in three special Sylomer® blends to better suit the load of each application. A wide variety of fastening elements facilitate their installation and adapt better to each type of work. Their robust metal parts withstand tensile loads of 650 to 1000 Kg and are provided with an anti-corrosion treatment capable of withstanding the most demanding environments.
The natural frequency at its optimal load point can reach values below 8 Hz. These technical properties also offer a high level of acoustic and vibrational isolation when used in lightweight wooden structures.
Test Results
To demonstrate the acoustic advantages of using Akustik Lateral + Sylomer® hangers, impact noise and airborne noise tests were conducted on a cross-laminated timber structure. The acoustic test results for each configuration are presented below:
System A
System B