Advantages on wooden structures

Akustik+Sylomer® acoustic hangers provide an extraordinary performance on wooden structures.


In order to show the acoustic advantages when using Akustik+Sylomer® acoustic hangers, the German IFT Rosenheim technological center has performed Impact and airborne noise tests using 2 different types of wooden structures.

  • Wooden ceiling using sand as a filler: Reduction of impact noise 19dB, Gain of airborne isolation 18 dB.
  • Wooden ceiling using mineral wool as a filler: Reduction of impact noise 14 dB, Gain of airborne isolation 6 dB.

In both kinds of ceilings a comparison has been done in order to determine the acoustic advantage that provides using Akustik+Sylomer® hangers.



Wooden ceiling filled with sand

  • Impact noise
rosenheim Go to ift ROSENHEIM's report: Original (PDF) and Akustik + Sylomer (PDF)


  • Airborne noise
rosenheim Go to ift ROSENHEIM's report: Original (PDF) and Akustik + Sylomer (PDF)



Wooden ceiling filled with Mineral wool

  • Impact noise
rosenheim Go to ift ROSENHEIM's report: Original (PDF) and Akustik + Sylomer (PDF)


  • Airborne noise
rosenheim Go to ift ROSENHEIM's report: Original (PDF) and Akustik + Sylomer (PDF)




There are several versions of the Akustik+Sylomer® acoustic hangers that suit specifically wooden structure ceilings:

  • Akustik 1+Sylomer®: The akustik 1 hanger is specifically suiting these kind of wooden structures. The installation with 2 fixation points is safe and easy.

    Akustik 1+Sylomer®

  • Akustik Lateral+Sylomer®: The akustik Lateral hanger is specifically suiting the structures where no space is available and the acoustic hangers have to be fixed to the wooden beam.

    Akustik Lateral+Sylomer®

  • Akustik lateral + Sylomer® acoustic hanger installation.

  • The installation with 2 fixation points is safe and easy.
  • Akustik Lateral+Sylomer®

  • Sprintec Lateral Acoustic Hangers: when low natural frequency is required this acoustic hanger can be used also.

    Sprintec Lateral+Sylomer®

    It is specifically suiting the structures where no space is available and the acoustic hangers have to be fixed to the wooden beam. The installation with 2 fixation points is safe and easy. (insert installation image here).


In order to show the acoustic advantages when using Granab® in wooden floors, we include 2 acoustic tests where the improvements in impact and airborne noise can be clearly seen.

  • Test realized in work (not Laboratory)
  • AF CONSULT Laboratory test

In both tests, a comparison has been done in order to determine the acoustic advatages of Granab®.


Test realized in work (not Laboratory)

  • Impact noise
Ruido de impacto ensayo en obra real Go to report: Original (PDF)


  • Airborne noise
Ruido aereo ensayo en obra real Go to report: Original (PDF)



AF CONSULT Laboratory test

  • Impact noise
Ruido de impacto af consult Go to report: Original (PDF)


  • Airborne noise
Ruido aereo af consult Go to report: Original (PDF)


  • Granab
Granab-TEST Go to report: Original (PDF)